3 Ways to Personalize a Custom Website

man and woman high fiving over a computer screen's custom website

When it comes to designing a custom website there are a few things you can do that will help take your website to the next level and none of them involve the package you choose when getting a website. 

1. Have an About or Meet the Team Page

When it comes to customizing your website, having pages that really add personality to your website and show off your business story make it feel less like another page on the internet and more like a personal experience. Adding an “About” or “Meet the Team” Page to your website helps personalize your customer experience. This helps your customers know the backstory of the business they’re supporting and also put friendly faces with who they are working with. 

2. Use Updated Pictures in a Custom Website

This is a big tip that often throws people off, but it is such a crucial part in helping your website feel even more custom. Current pictures are a great way to help customize your website. If you want to pay a photographer to take pictures in your business for marketing purposes, this helps your website be more cohesive across all of its pages. These pictures are also very beneficial to have for social media purposes too. Are you not ready to pay a photographer to come in and take pictures of your business? That’s okay! Grab an iPhone and take some pictures using some of the features and settings you have. We recommend taking these pictures in the landscape position (holding your phone longways) as this is very beneficial for banners used on a custom website.

3. Use a Branding Kit for Your Custom Website

Don’t let the term “branding kit” intimidate you, this just means have some colors and/or a logo before you have designers start on your website. Choosing colors and logos for your business before you decide to design a website is so convenient. It gives designers a guide for fonts, logos, and colors when using a website. If you don’t have a branding kit before you get a website designed, let us create some basic branding for you to remove the stress. We will use this branding across the board when we design your website so that each page cohesively flows into the next one. 

These three easy steps can make the process of designing your custom website seamless! The finished product will be a custom website that tells the story of your business and help customers to feel like they know you before they ever walk in the door. Are you ready for your custom website? Reach out to us here at Boarman and Jones and let us design a custom website fit for your needs.